In support of its advocacy on “building teacher leaders”, the Network of Outstanding Teachers and Educators (NOTED), in cooperation with the Philippine Normal University Center for Teaching and Learning (PNU-CTL), will hold its 2nd Colloquy titled “Imprinting the STAMP: Student Teachers’ Advancement through Mentoring Program” on January 16 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm at the Alumni Relations Hall, Philippine Normal University-Manila. Invited speakers are Mrs. Milagros Banan (SOT 2015), Ms. Evelyn Caja (SOT 2001), Mrs. Irene G. Dela Cruz (SOT 2015), Allan Canonigo (SOT 2004), Mr. Rodel Sampang (SOT 2013) and Mrs. Olivia Caling (SOT 2006). This half day forum aims to provide a venue for the participants to learn from each other’s experiences as they actively engage in conversations enabling them to think and discuss strategies in promoting and implementing effective mentoring practices. Future teacher professionals who have undergone Practicum, university supervisors, cooperating teachers, school administrators, NOTED members are the expected participants of this activity.